Wi-Fi Terms and Conditions

Global Wi-Fi Terms and Conditions

Be sure to read the Terms of use before Using the Wi-Fi services Provided by SEIBU PRINCE HOTELS WORLDWIDE INC. By using the Wi-Fi service ("Service"), you agree to the following terms and conditions ("Agreement"). Please read this document carefully. If you do not agree, you will not be able to access the Service.

1. Scope of Agreement
This Agreement between [Hotel Name] and you sets out the terms under which you may access and use the Service. You are responsible for all activities and data usage on your account. By accessing the Service, you agree to comply with this Agreement and all applicable laws and hotel policies.

2. Service Access and Use
You must comply with all applicable laws and policies when using the Service. You agree not to use the Service for any illegal or inappropriate activities, including but not limited to spamming, hacking, and distributing harmful content. [Hotel Name] may terminate your access if you violate these terms.

3. Fees and Charges
The Service may be complimentary or offered at different pricing tiers. Charges, if applicable, will be communicated before use, and by using the Service, you agree to pay the specified fees.

4. Performance Levels
Hotel Wi-Fi does not guarantee specific speed or uninterrupted service. We will strive to provide the best possible service but cannot be held responsible for performance issues beyond our control.

5. Security and Privacy
You are responsible for securing your devices and data. While we take precautions to secure the network, we cannot guarantee complete privacy and recommend that you avoid transmitting sensitive information over the Service.

6. User Information and Monitoring
Your usage may be monitored for security and service improvement purposes. We may collect personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which complies with applicable data protection laws in all operational regions.

7. Liability for Content
You are responsible for the content you access or distribute while using the Service. The hotel is not liable for any content that may be considered offensive, illegal, or inappropriate.

8. Customer Privacy and Use of Information
We collect and use personal information for service provision, billing, and legal compliance. Your data will be handled according to our Privacy Policy, and we will not disclose it to third parties without your consent unless required by law.

9. Limited Warranty
The Service is provided "as is," without any warranties, express or implied. The hotel does not guarantee that the Service will be error-free or that data will be transmitted securely.

10. Limitation of Liability
The hotel is not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from your use of the Service. Our liability is limited to the fees paid for the Service during the subscription period.

11. Termination and Account Suspension
The hotel reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Service at any time if you breach this Agreement or engage in activities that impair the network's functionality.

12. Acceptable Use Policy
You agree not to engage in any activities that violate local or international laws or harm other users, the network, or third parties. This includes but is not limited to transmitting harmful content, unauthorized access to systems, and sending unsolicited communications.

13. Amendments
The hotel reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will be posted, and continued use of the Service constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.

14. Governing Law
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the country in which the Service is provided. Any disputes arising from this Agreement will be resolved under the jurisdiction of local courts.