Special Terms of Seibu Prince Global Rewards
Article 1 Name of this Service Program
This service program shall be called Seibu Prince Global Rewards ("SPGR").
Article 2 Purpose
1. SPGR is provided by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide Inc. ("SPW") to offer special services to customers who are regular patrons of the facilities operated by SPW and its domestic and overseas subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as hotels, golf courses and other facilities under the Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts brand (collectively "Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts").
>For further details on eligible Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts please visit the following URL.
2. SPGR shall be operated subject to the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB Member Terms and Conditions (including any accompanying special terms thereto. The same shall apply hereafter.) in addition to this Special Terms of Seibu Prince Global Rewards ("SPGR Terms").
3. If new special provisions are stipulated and such provisions and SPGR Terms are inconsistent, the new special provisions shall prevail.
Article 3 Membership
SEIBU PRINCE CLUB members shall automatically become the members of SPGR (the "SPGR Members") without any special procedures.
Article 4 Membership Fees
As a general rule, no membership fee for SPGR shall be charged. However, a separate membership fee may be charged in certain cases. In this case, SPGR Member shall pay membership fee as separately determined in the prescribed manner. As a general rule, paid membership fee shall not be returned.
Article 5 Types of Status
There are four different statuses in SPGR and the services offered differ for each status. The names of each status are as follows:
(1) Seibu Prince Global Rewards Blue Member ("Blue Member");
(2) Seibu Prince Global Rewards Gold Member ("Gold Member");
(3) Seibu Prince Global Rewards Platinum Member ("Platinum Member"); and
(4) Seibu Prince Global Rewards Diamond Member ("Diamond Member").
Article 6 Medal Rewards and Status
1. One medal shall be rewarded for every JPY 10,000 (including consumption tax) spent annually in Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts (Medals shall be rewarded for the amount spent at Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts overseas according to the annual cumulative amount converted into yen at SPW's prescribed exchange rate at the time of each use). However, the reward shall only be given when payment is made directly at Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts.
2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, applications made via websites or travel agencies other than Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts are not eligible for the reward.
3. Depending on the number of medals rewarded, the services for respective Blue Member, Gold Member, Platinum Member or Diamond Member shall be offered. The details of the services offered shall be announced in various printed materials and on the Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts website (the "Website") and any additions or changes shall be announced each time on the Website. The number of medals required to obtain each status is as follows:
(1) Blue Member: Number of medals required: 0 medal;
(2) Gold Member: Number of medals required: 20 medals or more;
(3) Platinum Member: Number of medals required: 50 medals or more; and
(4) Diamond Member: Number of medals required: 200 medals or more.
*Website: https://www.seibuprince.com/
4. Weddings and banquets, and group stays as specified by SPW are not eligible for reward of the medals. In addition, there may be some facilities and services that are not eligible for reward of the medals. Further details shall be provided in the announcements from each facility and service.
5. SPW may revise the criteria for rewarding medals and acquiring status as set out in the SPGR Terms. SPW may also establish and apply medal rewarding criteria and status acquisition criteria other than those stipulated in this Article to all or some of SPGR Members.
Article 7 Determination of Status and Service Offer Period
1. Annual status determination
The medal earning period is one year from 1 January to 31 December each year (Japan time), and based on the number of medals rewarded during this period, the status for the “Status Year” (from 1 April of the following year to 31 March the year after) (Japan time) shall be determined.
Services shall be provided for each status based on the results of this decision for one year during the Status Year.
2. Monthly status determination
In addition to the preceding paragraph, status is determined on a monthly basis based on the number of medals earned from 1 January to the end of each month (Japan time), and if the number of medals required to obtain a higher status is confirmed to have been achieved earlier, the member is treated as a member based on that higher status from the 10th of the following month (Japan time), even during the medal earning period, and services and benefits based on the relevant higher status shall be provided in advance. In this case, the relevant status shall continue to apply for the following year.
Article 8 Awarding of Regular POINT and Hotel & Leisure POINT to SPGR Members
Notwithstanding Article 5, paragraph 1 of the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB Member Terms and Conditions, the awarding of points (hereinafter referred to as "Regular POINT" under this SPGR Terms) to SPGR Members utilizing Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts shall be governed as follows. In addition, SPGR Member shall receive the following points (“Hotel & Leisure POINT”) limited to use at Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts. Please note that the point accrual rate and grant date may vary depending on the applicable products and services.
(1) For use of eligible Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts in and outside Japan (excluding weddings, banquets, and group stays):
- i. Blue Member: In accordance with the main text of Article 5, paragraph 1 of the Seibu Prince Club Member Terms and Conditions (the "Normal Rate");
- ii. Gold Member: 110% of the Normal Rate;
- iii. Platinum Member: 130% of the Normal Rate;
- iv. Diamond Member: 150% of the Normal Rate.
(2) For weddings, banquets and group stays at Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts in Japan
- i. If the amount spent is JPY 500,000 or less: 1 Regular POINT per JPY 110 (including tax);
- ii. If the amount spent is more than JPY 500,000 and less than JPY 1.5 million: 5,000 Regular POINTs;
- iii. If the amount spent is more than JPY 1.5 million and less than JPY 3 million: 10,000 Regular POINTs;
- iv. If the amount spent is JPY 3 million or more: 20,000 Regular POINTs.
(3) For weddings, banquets and group stays at Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts outside Japan:
The rules for rewarding points can be found on website of each facility.
Article 9 Handling of Hotel & Leisure POINT when Purchased Products are Returned
(1) If a SPGR Member returns any purchased products or cancels a transaction, SPW shall deduct the Hotel & Leisure POINT already awarded to such SPGR Member for such products or items. In this case, such SPGR Member shall present the receipt and Membership Card to Member Store from which Member purchased such products or items.
(2) If a SPGR Member returns any purchased products or items or cancels a purchase of products or items after using Hotel & Leisure POINT, and the deduction of Hotel & Leisure POINT as set out in the preceding paragraph results in accumulated points balance of a negative value, SPW may request such SPGR Member to return Redeemable Products (as defined in Article 11, paragraph 1) or pay an equivalent amount in cash, and such SPGR Member shall comply with this request.
Article 10 Hotel & Leisure POINT Accumulation Period and Date of Expiration
1. The accumulation period of Hotel & Leisure POINT shall be one year from 1 January of each year (Japan time) to 31 December of the same year (Japan time) ("Hotel & Leisure POINT Accumulation Period "). Points shall be accumulated per Hotel & Leisure POINT Accumulation Period, and the accumulated Hotel & Leisure POINT shall be calculated for each Hotel & Leisure POINT Accumulation Period.
2. When Hotel & Leisure POINT is awarded, it shall expire on December 31 (Japan time) of the year following the year.
3. Hotel & Leisure POINT that have not been used by the expiry date prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall expire and shall not be carried over to the following Hotel & Leisure POINT Accumulation Period.
4. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, Hotel & Leisure POINT of a negative value in accordance with Article 9, Paragraph 2 shall not expire and shall be carried over to the following Hotel & Leisure POINT Accumulation Period.
Article 11 Use of Hotel & Leisure POINT
1. Hotel & Leisure POINT accumulated by SPGR Members through the presentation of their membership card or other applicable methods may be used during the accumulation and validity periods defined in Article 10. Hotel & Leisure POINT may be redeemed for various products and services specified by Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts (collectively "Redeemable Products") or used exclusively at Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts locations in Japan and abroad, where 1 Hotel & Leisure POINT shall equate to JPY 1 (or the equivalent of JPY 1 in local currency when used outside Japan, as converted using SPW's prescribed exchange rate at the time of usage).
2. When using points at Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts locations in Japan or abroad, if the validity periods of the accumulated Hotel & Leisure POINT and SEIBU Smile POINT are the same, Hotel & Leisure POINT shall be used preferentially. If the validity periods differ, points with the earliest expiration date shall be used first.
3. SPGR Members shall not designate only Hotel & Leisure POINT for use.
4. Hotel & Leisure POINT that belong to multiple SPGR Members shall not be allocated to payment for a single transaction. Hotel & Leisure POINT may only be used once per SPGR Member in a single transaction.
5. Hotel & Leisure POINT shall not be exchanged for cash.
Article 12 Verification and Presentation of Status
1. As a general rule, SPGR Members shall register to use the Seibu Prince Global Rewards Application (the "SPGR App") or the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB Application (the “SEIBU PRINCE CLUB App”) and confirm their status on the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB App membership card displayed (in a color corresponding to their status) on the SPGR App or the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB App.
2. SPGR Members shall present their SPGR App membership card, SEIBU PRINCE CLUB App membership card or any membership cards which are approved by SPW when receiving the services offered by SPGR.
Article 13 Expiry of Membership
Notwithstanding the main clause of Article 4, paragraph 1 of the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB Member Terms and Conditions, for SPGR Members, the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB membership shall expire on be two years after the later date of 31 December (Japan time) of the year in which two years have elapsed since the date of the last use of the point program as prescribed in Article 1, paragraph 1 of the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB Terms and Conditions (the date when Regular POINT and Hotel & Leisure POINT are rewarded or spent) or the date of the last acquisition of medals, whichever comes later.
Article 14 Loss of Membership
1. A SPGR Member shall be disqualified from status in the event of any of the following events.
(1) If SPGR Member has withdrawn his/her membership from the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB;
(2) If SPGR Member breaches the SPGR Terms or the SEIBU PRINCE CLUB Member Terms and Conditions. The SEIBU PRINCE CLUB membership of such SPGR Member shall also be automatically cancelled;
(3) If SPGR Member defames or disrupts the order of SPW or Seibu Prince Hotels & Resorts. The SEIBU PRINCE CLUB membership of such SPGR Member shall also be automatically cancelled.
2. For reasons other than those in the preceding paragraph, SPW may also suspend each status entitlement with written notice to SPGR Member who has acquired the respective status.
Article 15 Termination of SPGR, etc.
1. SPW may suspend for an extended period or terminate the provision of services under SPGR by giving six months' notice to SPGR Member.
2. SPW may suspend the provision of SPGR without notice for operational reasons or due to the occurrence of a failure caused by a natural disaster or other emergency.
Article 16 Changes to the SPGR Terms, etc.
SPW may change, revise, or abolish the SPGR Terms (collectively the "Changes"). The Changes of the SPGR Terms shall be notified prior to the effective date of the Changes by posting on the website or by other appropriate means the Changes of the SPGR Terms, the content of such Changes and the effective date of such Changes; after the effective date, such Changes shall apply to SPGR as the latest version of the SPGR Terms.
Article 17 Compensation for Damages
1. SPW shall not be liable for any suspension or termination of SPGR as stipulated in Article 12, the Changes to the SPGR Terms as stipulated in Article 13 or any other damage (financial damage and loss, mental distress, and other disadvantages) incidental to the provision of SPGR.
2. SPW shall not be liable for any trouble that may arise between a SPGR Member and a SEIBU PRINCE CLUB member store (the "Member Store") or a third party when a SPGR Member uses any Member Store.
3. The preceding two paragraphs do not apply in the event of willful misconduct or gross negligence of SPW.
Article 18 Court of Jurisdiction
The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any disputes relating to SPGR and the SPGR Terms.
Effective from 26th February, 2025